Pendleton Ward’s Adventure Time follows adventurer Finn (Jeremy Shada) in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, where he hangs with his friends Jake (John DiMaggio), Princess Bubblegum (Hynden Walch), Marceline the Vampire Queen (Olivia Olson), and more. Unfortunately, much of the original show’s dubbing in English erased its queer coding, transforming the queer couple into “cousins.” Created in the ’90s, the series was groundbreaking in its presentation of queer characters, shipping butch-femme favorite Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune and later introducing the gender-bending trio the Sailor Starlights. Created by legendary mangaka (manga creator) Naoko Takeuchi, the series focuses on schoolgirl Usagi Tsukino (Kotono Mitsuishi), otherwise known as Sailor Moon, as she fights alongside her friends, the Sailor Scouts, defending the planet Earth against the forces of evil.
This list couldn’t exist without Sailor Moon.